

The Wedding of

Franki & Monika


If one finds a sagacious friend, who is a virtuous and steadfast companion, one should live with him joyfully and mindfully, overcoming all dangers.

(Dhammapada XXIII – 328)

Margaretha Monika Utama

Second Daughter of Mr. Harijanto Utama
& Mrs. Maria Tenny Susyana

Franki Sunarto

First Son of Mr. Pitter Uirianto
& Mrs. Angriani

Save The Date

DECEMBER 29, 2022
11.00 AM

Maha Vihara &
Pusdiklat Buddha Maitreya
Jl. Dukuh Kupang 1 No. 2-4 Surabaya

Wedding Ceremony
Wedding Reception

DECEMBER 29, 2022
06.00 PM

New Royal Restaurant
Jl. Manyar Kertoarjo No. 39-41 Surabaya

Our Gallery

Instagram Filters

Celebrate our happy day by livening social media with the Instagram filters that we have provided.


The favour of a response is requested.
Please kindly fill out the form below.

Write Your Wish

Write them your best wishes for their special day. Press the speak button to show or hide columns.

Wedding Gift

Without lowering our respect, guests who want to send some gifts for the bride and groom, can send them via:

BCA - 6750348228
Margaretha Monika


BRI - 105701022904503
Franki Sunarto


Franki & Monika Wedding

It is an honour and happiness for us if you are willing to come and give a blessing to us.
Thank you!

Designed with love by : leafitation.id

instagram : leafitation.id

Franki & Monika